Born from aspirations to bring the timeless tales of William Shakespeare directly to rural and under-served communities, Montana Shakespeare in the Parks has been enriching the lives of people in Montana, and beyond, for 50 seasons. In celebration of our 50th anniversary season, Montana Shakespeare in the Parks is pleased to announce that our summer parks tour performances of King Lear and Twelfth Night will be coming to Silver-Gate, Montana
Founded in 1973 on the firm belief that Shakespeare belongs to everyone, our accomplished company of performers and staff work tirelessly to connect people, communities, and the arts, as we spread messages of unity and understanding. Ushering Shakespeare’s immortal stories of life, love, and tragedy into a modern era, Montana Shakespeare in the Parks is dedicated to preserving the cultural traditions of theatre and literature. Through artistic expression, we aim to provide lively entertainment that evokes smiles and laughter, alongside tears of joy and sorrow, to all people.